Privacy Policy

  1. Return Key records the personal data entered by Return Key users in its database. The processing of personal data received via the Return Key website is carried out with the greatest possible care and security. Return Key does this by complying with the Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp) and the European Privacy Directive (95/46/EC).
  2. If Return Key is used, the personal data must be completely accurate and up to date. The user guarantees to be legally authorized to use the Return Key website.
  3. The personal data will be used to enable users to contact each other, always under the control of the finder and loser. Return Key under no circumstances makes the data of users available to third parties, except under legal obligation, unless the user has chosen to use the organizations with which Return Key has entered into an agreement for a particular service and the data are necessary for the performance of this service, this concerns only the services offered on the Return Key website.
  4. By using the Return Key website, the user agrees that his/her personal data, in addition to the data referred to under 16.3 and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, will be processed for analysis and improvement activities. Personal data will not be provided to third parties unless there is a technical necessity for this and subject to the provisions under 3, 5 and 6.
  5. When using its (mobile) website, Return Key may store data relating to the location of the user. Before Return Key stores this data, the user will be asked for permission to do so. Return Key uses this location data in order to make its services available to the user. In doing so, Return Key will take the necessary measures to safeguard the privacy of the User. Return Key will delete the aforementioned location information as soon as it is no longer required for the provision of the service.
  6. As part of the prevention of misuse of the Return Key website, personal data of users of the Return Key website will be made available to investigators and/or law enforcement agencies in response to their substantiated request. IP addresses of users can (and will) only be made available in this specific situation.
  7. Any user may request written access to the personal data processed about him/her – and have any incorrectly processed personal data corrected – by contacting Return Key at the following email address:


  1. Return Key uses cookies to optimize the functionality of certain pages of the website. Cookies are small text files that are placed on the user’s computer by a page of the website. Such a cookie stores information such as certain user preferences. This allows Return Key to serve the user even better on their next visit.
  2. The user can decide for himself how to handle cookies. The browser can be set to allow, disallow or partially allow the use of cookies. In the latter case, it can be set which websites are allowed to place cookies. All other websites will then be banned. This possibility is offered by the most commonly used modern browsers.
  3. Cookies can always be removed from a computer, also through the browser.